Monday, December 22, 2014

More Media

Hello all! I am now using other forms of art media to create pieces!

Pastel and charcoal


Sketching markers and pen

                                                          Quick pen and pencil sketches

In addition to these other forms of media, I am also doing tattoo design requests. Here are two designs that I have recently sold.

If you know anyone interested or are interested yourself in putting in a request, feel free to contact me. I can send you my information to give out to any friends or family that might be interested as well. Thanks!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Own Angel

This is a work in progress at the moment. (2014). I am playing around with the different colors and details. This painting has a special meaning for me. I recently lost my first baby and wanted to portray my mixed emotions over the situation. I show the baby reaching out of the womb to grasp the winged hand that extends downwards from the heavens. I tried to show that even if I had lost my baby, he was not lost forever. He went into the loving, caring arms of God and awaits me in a better place. This painting is named "My Own Angel".

Wolf Painting

I did this painting of a wolf and sold it to a person who requested it as a gift ( 2013).
I tried to give it a very bright look with many vibrant colors to draw the eyes to every detail.