Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Under The Sea

Under The Sea

This is an oil painting done as a request. I free handed the figure, did an acrylic base coat of white, and then completed the other colors in oil. I tried to stress the fact that Ariel is "under the sea", making her hair seem to float above her.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dryad Painting

Dryad Painting

Finished this in December of 2013 as a project for my Drawing I class up at my college. It's an oil painting with a touch of glitter nail polish here and there for that "magical" appearance. I tried to make it very dramatic, as if looking upon the mythical creature, reveals an unforeseen beauty that draws viewers into a trance of the imagination and heart. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

 All Glory To God

  Finished this painting 3/27/13 in honor of Easter Sunday. This oil painting is the largest I have yet completed. I free handed it from start to finish, looking at a picture as a reference, while also giving it my own touch. On it is written Ad Deum Esse Gloria, which in Latin means, "All glory to God." I also have John 3:16 written on it in remembrance of the day Jesus died for us. I hope to dedicate this painting to my church if they accept it. I thank the Lord for his guidance while working on this painting, I've learned a lot of new techniques through this experience. I hope to make my next painting even better!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Midst the Forest

Finished this painting January 21, 2013. 
I used the "Impressionism" style to this painting of a lone wolf in a forest.
This photo is better looked at from a distance to get the right feeling portrayed, but when looking
closer, you can see the layers of paint blended together to present lighting and texture.

Ad Deum esse Gloria!