Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Lord has helped me finish another painting for a request I was asked to do. 
This painting was the biggest and hardest I've yet finished, but I believe it has
turned out to be a satisfying success. Ad Deum esse Gloria!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

       Finished this painting for a request given to me. This is a painting of a picture that I was to copy, capturing the emotion of love as best as I could. It was so much fun to do, and I learned so much from it that can be used to make the next painting better!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This oil painting is of a little girl playing dress up and applying lipstick to her lips.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

 Chickadee on a Cherry Tree Branch

The first oil painting I completed.

Blue Jay Perched

One of my favorite paintings, due to the beautiful color of the feathers against the tree.
 Golden Retriever

The background is blue, though the picture here looks more grey, it is actually a robin egg blue.

Walls of Avila

Copied from a photograph taken of the walls of Avila, Spain, in remembrance of my adventure atop the castle walls.